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Public supplier information

The information contained within this section of the Supplier Portal is publically available. It provides an insight into trading with Renishaw as a supplier, and identifies requirements relating to legislation, regulation and corporate policy.

Corporate Responsibilty

To effectively manage the social and environmental factors affecting the business and, in turn, their impact on its reputation and profitability, Renishaw has a formal Corporate Responsibility management structure to provide a better focus for the Group's activities.


Sustainability is an integral part of Renishaw's purpose to Transform Tomorrow Together. It's our ambition to become a sustainability leader, working in partnership with our customers, suppliers and local communities to create positive change.

Product Environmental Compliance

Renishaw's products fall within the scope of several national and regional product environmental compliance requirements that restrict the use of hazardous materials in our products and processes or require us to report the presence of named substances if above threshold values in our products.

Renishaw Code of Conduct

The Renishaw Code of Conduct sets out principles of business conduct and standards which all companies in the Renishaw Group are expected to follow.

Anti-Bribery Policy

Renishaw has a zero tolerance approach to any form of bribery or corruption. Our global anti-bribery programme is designed to ensure all employees comply with this approach and aligns with the six principles of the UK Bribery Act.

Renishaw Terms & Conditions of Purchase

The standard terms of trade by which Renishaw undertake business with suppliers are contained within Renishaw Terms and conditions of purchase.

Contact Renishaw

Locations, maps and site addresses for all Renishaw global operations. Purchasing groups are located in our UK, Ireland and India offices.

Renishaw Chemical Composition Standard (CC014)

This document describes the requirements and expectations of suppliers who supply substances or articles to the Renishaw Group.

Email security standards

To prevent malicious email from entering our network, Renishaw employs Email security standards. This is to protect the information we hold as a business.
